
A look at outdoor fire heaters and fire pits

UK Home Improvement

A Look at Outdoor Fire Heaters and Fire Pits

You’ve probably been in this situation. It’s coming to the last few months of the summer and you’re sitting outside with your friends or family on a nice day enjoying each other’s company.

But as the sun goes down and the evening comes around and the temperature drops the conversation turns to something like “…it’s getting chilly out here”. That’s the problem with summer. You want it to last, so how do you get the most from those last few days?

You’d all like to stay outside a little longer but the chill in the air forces you all indoors so you can stay warm. But even when the cold weather and winter blues roll in, it doesn’t mean that you have to stay locked up inside your house until Spring rolls around.

An outdoor fire heater is the perfect tool to extend your outdoor summer evenings into the autumn and winter seasons.

You can still enjoy your outdoor spaces while remaining cosy in front of the embracing glow of a live flame. Imagine sitting outside, wrapped in a comfortable jumper while you watch the dancing flame, listening to the soft crackling sounds and embracing the natural warmth of the fire.

Think ‘Outdoor Living Room’

A fire pit can transform a garden space. And with a few simple additions it can be a home from home outdoors:

  • Make your fire pit the focal point of the space
  • Add furniture for warmth and cosiness
  • Include plants to accompany the space and add vibrancy
  • More lights. You can never have too much ambiance

When choosing a fire pit, consider factors like size, material, fuel type, and location.

Size matters, so obviously check the space available and how many people you want it to accommodate.

Different materials have different aesthetics and durability. Fuel types include wood-burning, propane, or natural gas, each of which can impact your convenience and ambiance.

Check there’s enough distance between structures and surroundings so you’ve got a safe position. And think about safety features like screens or lids, especially if you have kids or pets. Cost is probably a factor but balance it with quality and long-term use for value.

And most importantly, put it on a spot that encourages people to gather.

If you don’t want to stretch to a fire pit an outdoor fire heater can make a huge difference to an outdoor space.

The Extras

Enhance your fire pit area with carefully chosen extras. Add comfortable outdoor seating, such as benches or chairs. Consider multi-level seating or a surrounding tabletop edge for placing drinks and snacks, adding versatility and style to the area.

Add decorative elements like potted plants, decorative stones, or a nearby water feature to create an inviting ambiance.

Choose unique materials like natural stone, mosaic tiles or even a custom-built shape that complements your outdoor style. A distinctive design not only makes it visually appealing, but it will also draw attention to the area.

Install soft overhead lighting or LED lights to highlight those features during evenings. Solar-powered lights or lanterns add a warm glow without overpowering the fire’s ambiance.

Fire Pit Fuel Types

Wood-burning fire pits offer a traditional feel but you’ll need to clean the ashes regularly. They’re ideal for a classic outdoor experience but demand more maintenance. Wood burners also require wood storage facilities.

Propane is great for quick, controlled fires without the hassle of wood. Propane also delivers convenience with easy ignition and adjustable flames.

You can even have natural gas as a source for your fire pit. You’ll need a gas line connection, but gas does offer consistent, clean-burning flames. It’s low maintenance and handy for frequent use but will need professional engineer installation.

By integrating these elements thoughtfully, your fire pit can become a stunning focal point, fostering a cosy atmosphere and encouraging gatherings in your outdoor space.

Final Thoughts

As outdoor living spaces gain more importance, fire pits offer an extension to these areas, allowing people to enjoy their yards or patios during cooler evenings or across seasons.

Fire pits are incredibly popular for outdoor spaces. They create a cosy ambiance and a focal point for social gatherings, providing warmth and atmosphere that’s perfect for evenings or outdoor parties.

Fire pits are a great addition to outdoor areas.


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